automation engineering design

CASE STUDY: Capital Project Automation & Process Engineering Support Large Puerto Rico Solid Dosage Facility

The Challenge: Provide Owner’s Representative Services for Automation and Instrumentation Engineering during construction, commissioning, qualification, and initial operations for multiple projects. The facility is located in Puerto Rico and required full time local engineering presence. 

The Solution: CHT began its operations in Puerto Rico in early 2001 as a response to this request. Since that time, CHT has maintained a continuous presence on the island during which time CHT has been a key member of the engineering and construction team providing dedicated engineering on a daily basis. CHT has actively directed contractors during construction periods, written specifications for additional work scope, commissioned various projects, and provided product demonstration-run process, equipment, and automation engineering services. A representative project is described in the following paragraph.

Project R consisted of a new installation for a formulation and tablet coating operation. This project consisted of 2 independent trains for formulation and wet milling of coating solutions followed by tablet coating and drying operations. Also included were dust collection, vessel temperature control systems, and drying humidity & temperature control. CHT directed all stages of the electrical and controls installation and was fully responsible for the commissioning, startup, and demonstration batches produced in the facility. 

During product demonstration runs, CHT worked closely with the customer process development scientists and solved critical processing requirements including significant automation improvements to the vendor supplied pan drying controls and major modifications to the spray gun control server controls.

The Result: The customer has benefited from a full time presence of CHT engineers who ensure that all aspects of the Automation Engineering design, installation, and commissioning meet expectations. Most importantly, the facilities are put into working condition as part of the CHT team deliverable. At this juncture, many projects have been successfully completed and are in operation. All customer expectations have been met and CHT continues to serve this customer on a daily basis.